Get Involved

Participation is a value and a strategy

Add your voice to the growing NAREA community.

We offer a range of participation to professionals, parents, and community members. NAREA was founded, and continues to flourish, on an expanding network of individuals who are investing together in a world where all children are honored and respected for their potential, capabilities, and humanity.

By joining NAREA, you become part of the global movement of educators and advocates represented in the Reggio Children International Network. United, we are making strides in changing the face of education in North America and around the word.

Become a Member

Make a Donation

Attend A Conference

Interested in joining our community?

Become  a member of the North American Reggio Emilia Alliance and participate in movement to change the face of education inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach.

Your Gift makes an impact across the world.

Through your donations, we are able to provide continual support to educators, including scholarships to area conferences for ongoing professional development.

Keep thinking and keep learning.

NAREA offers two conferences each year that bring professionals together for open communication about the deepening insights of the Reggio Emilia approach.

Your support will help us advance the quality of every child's one childhood.

Together, we are empowering exceptional education.